Deposits may be made into the university's bank account. The university's banking details are:
Branch code:
Account number: 1 000 000 589
Swift address: SBZAZAJJ
Your name and student number must be quoted when using this method of payment.
(SADC students)
Where payment is being made for Southern African Development Community (SADC) students from outside the Rand currency area, payment must be made by electronic transfer of funds into the university's bank account.
The university's banking details are:
Branch code:
Account number: 1 000 000 589
Swift address: SBZAZAJJ
Your name and student number must be quoted when using this method of payment.
Non SADC students or international students
Where payment is being made for students from outside the Rand currency area, payment must be made by electronic transfer of funds into the university's bank account.
The university's banking details are:
Branch code:
Account number: 1 000 000 589
Swift address: SBZAZAJJ
Your name and student number must be quoted when using this method of payment.
Allow a minimum of 14 working days for such foreign payments to reach UNIVEN bank account.
Financial assistance
The university believes that no talented student should be denied the opportunity of higher education because of a lack of money. The university has committed significant funds for financial aid packages to support financially needy students and has details of outside organisations that also provide financial assistance.
Who can I contact for financial assistance?
Prospective and current undergraduate students may contact the Student Financial Aid Office on:
Tel: +27 (0) 15 962 8467/8957/8956